Mission, Vision, Core Values


Fellowship Academy exists to graduate Godly leaders who will impact the community by serving others with excellence.


To graduate Godly leaders who impact the community through excellent service to others, who are encouraged in a safe and Christ-centered environment, and who are educated to realize their full potential through hard work and discovery of their God-given gifts, talents and purpose.
(Deuteronomy 6:6-7, Matthew 5:13-14, Ephesians 6:4b)


Fellowship Academy's culture is defined by a biblically-based set of Core Values that we teach and endeavor to model at all times. Our core values are being Kingdom-minded, Resourceful, Relational, Professional, of strong Moral Character and being Team Players.

Core Values

We call our principles to govern behavior and build character the Mustang Mindset:

Mustang Mindset

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