Community Partners

At Fellowship Academy we are continually building our partnerships with local churches, ministries, businesses, and organizations. We are always looking for opportunities for our students to serve and to help make our community stronger. Currently, we enjoy partnerships and association with the following groups:

Service Partners

City of Kennedale
We are thankful to partner with Kennedale ISD, the Kennedale Police and Fire Departments, the Kennedale Rotary Club and the Kennedale Chamber of Commerce

First United Methodist Church of Kennedale

Life Fellowship Church

Green Oaks School

Mission Arlington

Pecan Manor Nursing & Rehabilitation

Tarrant Area Food Bank

Youth World

Other Partners

North Texas Giving Day

Communities of Texas Foundation

Roop Foundation

We are members of the Kennedale Chamber of Commerce; we follow the Mansfield Chamber of Commerce, and the Arlington Chamber of Commerce.

If you have an organization that could benefit from student volunteers or provide internships for senior students, please let us know!

Our Mustang Makers Fund was established to help hard-working families who would like to provide a Christian education for their children. If you would like to help make that a reality for a deserving student, please contact us to learn more.

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